Tribute to Mohammed Rafi
By Aparna Sridhar

Kamarajar Arangam Show at Chennai on 19th May 2012
Abbas Culturals organised a show at the Kamaraj Arangam last evening, a tribute to Mohammad Rafi. Orchestra was by UK Murali. The immortal songs of Rafi were sung by Anil Bajpai, a talented singer of Rafi songs, who had been specially invited from Mumbai for this purpose. The guest singer for the evening was Chandan, from Chennai. There were also three female singers who gave duet support and also delivered a couple of solos. A very big show, very well –attended and professionally conducted. Kamarajar Arangam is a huge auditorium, and quite the right place for such cultural shows.
It was a wonderfully satisfying evening. Worth every minute spent there, sitting, listening to some great music being turned out by thorough professionals who were both talented and capable and blessed with beautiful voices. The show opened with a prayer by female singers Akhila and others singing a song from the film Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Well- rendered. There was no looking back after that. The artistes delivered songs one after the other, each one a veritable gem. Obviously the songs had been chosen with great care and passion and it showed. All were well-known songs and the audience could identify with the singers and their songs. The audience connect was terrific and their enjoyment of the music so enthusiastic and whole-hearted that the singers, feeling very encouraged and charged, gave out their very best. All in all, a very successful show and a veritable musical feast.

Chandan at the Kamarajar Arangam show at Chennai on 19th May 2012
Anil Bajpai has a beautiful voice, very facile and well-trained. His voice sounds very much like Rafi’s and he uses it to his advantage. He is already very well-known and performs in stage shows regularly. I had not heard him before and it was a pleasant surprise to listen to him sing. He has perfect pitch (something a lot of singers sadly lack), a smooth and rich voice that resembles Rafi’s and a very good sense of music, and not least, a great talent for singing Rafi songs. Hailing from Gwalior, he has been performing for some years now in several cities and also Singapore, Dubai etc. Technically competent and understanding the nuances of Rafi’s songs, Anil Bajpai was a pleasure to listen to. The audience was completely won over by his singing, right from the first song. His confident, smiling and pleasant way of singing and melodious voice endeared the audience to him. A great performance by Anil Bajpai. He had chosen his songs carefully, with an eye to their popularity. Bahaaron Phool Barsao flowed out beautifully, a soft romantic song. Badan Pe Sitare had the audience clapping with him in tandem and Kya Hua Tera Vaada had them tongue-tied, listening enraptured, as they were reminded strongly of Rafi’s beautiful rendering of the song. Yeh Chand Sa Roshan Chehra, Aap Yuhin Agar, Yuhin Tum mujhse Baat Karte Ho, Kaun Hai Jo Sapnon Mein Aaya, Sau Baar Janam Lenge, Sarpar Topi Laal, Chup Gaye Saare Nazaare …..beautiful lilting melodies that thrilled the audience. Anil Bajpai knows how to attract audiences and does it well. He is very good when it comes to soft romantic numbers, fast and jolly songs and other foot-tapping numbers of Rafi. His light-hearted way of rendering such songs is a joy to hear. But then, there is another side to Rafi’s songs too. The morose, sad, slow and more emotional and deep songs that need a lot of feeling to be injected into the rendering, a maturity to be shown, which of course he will gain in time. He has tremendous potential.

Anil Bajpai at the Kamarajar Arangam show at Chennai on 19th May 2012
The singers were well-distributed throughout the show, so that no one singer dominated, and as a result, there was much variety to be enjoyed. There were even female solos and Teri Ankhon Ke siva and Ehsaan tera hoga were sung. In as much as I would like to say that the female singers were brilliant, I have to stop short and say they could have been better. But they did a pretty good job given their limitations.
The guest singer for the evening, specially invited by UK Murali himself was Chandan. Chandan has been singing in such shows for years and is no stranger to star-studded cultural programmes. Having performed in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and other places, he is a Rafi devotee and a brilliant singer blessed with a mesmerising, powerful, melodious and versatile voice that sounds uncannily like Rafi’s. He is known to live and breathe and think Rafi. Such is his love for Mohammed Rafi and his music. He sang just six songs but each one was a gem, by way of composition as well as by singing. And the impact of a mere 6 songs was that of an entire evening’s show. These 6 beautiful songs cast a spell over the audience. Chandan’s USP is that he loses himself in Rafi’s music when he sings. He forgets everything else. Only the song matters. And it shows. Each song is delivered with such perfection, such sweetness and authenticity that it is like a wonderful work of art. It becomes obvious, when he starts to sing, that music is not some light-hearted pastime for him. It is a way of life for him. Period. And so, he gains the willing and eager respect, admiration and fierce loyalty and love of the audience. They recognise him for what he is. A perfect singer. Of Rafi songs. When he sang the first lines of Teri Pyaari Pyaari Surat Ko, his voice reached out to the audience confidently, and liltingly. They listened enraptured, and swayed to Chandan’s magical voice. Main Kahin Kavi na Banjaaun came after a while and even before Chandan could lift the mike to sing the first line, the audience was whooping, whistling and clapping frenziedly. Aa jare Aa zara, Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe, Akele Akele Kahaan Jaa Rahe Ho and Aji aisa Mauka Phir Kahaan came at regular intervals. Akele Akele is a difficult number and starts on a high note and suddenly dips to a low note without warning. Chandan dealt with it in his inimitable way, superbly. Such was his rendering of the song that the audience wanted an encore. In fact, the audience wanted an encore after every song. While Chandan was in the midst of his rendering “Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe”, some Rafi fan came up to the stage and slipped a token amount in the hands of Chandan and touched his feet. I could see that Chandan was pleasantly embarrassed and was caught unawares! Steeped in music with a life-long passion for Rafi’s songs, Chandan enthralled the audience with his lovely selection of songs. It was a fitting tribute to Chandan when someone in the audience mentioned to me, “he sings exactly like Rafi and does not change the originality of the song which is why I adore him and I can hear the words of the songs clearly and his songs and voice touch my heart”. Chandan’s style of singing and the emotions he puts into his rendering convinces me of the fact that he would do full justice to songs like Kabhi Khud Pe, Man Re Tu Kaahe, Kaise Kategi Zindagi, Ae Husn Zara and many many other equally soulful songs.

Section of the audience at the Kamarajar Arangam show at Chennai on 19th May 2012
UK Murali’s orchestra is good, competent and organised. UK Murali himself, being so accomplished and multi-talented and a very good singer himself is testimony to the fact that his shows are all well-conducted and a resounding success. A big thank you to UK Murali for this delightful evening. A true tribute to Mohammed Rafi.
Mr Anil is doing mimicry of Rafi Saheb——–Just Dunya Paagal Hai Ya Phir Main Deevana,
can u announce the singers music lyricst on the radio
re: post 38. a correction.
the singing star who is supporting the campaign against the iprs is sudesh bhonsle and not hemant bhosle.
two big organisers, kaushik kothari and hemanta kumar mahale – ‘do not’ pay any iprs fees in mumbai. Post : 38 and 40.
one can talk to them and know full details about iprs collecting money from music organisers wrongly – they say.
post 38…
there is a big group in mumbai who are victimised by the iprs unjustly. mr.kaushik kothari is the leader of this group and we support him.
we are about hundred of us and among the supporters, there are leading musicians, singers and organisers,
have u heard of a personality called – Hemant Bhosle. well, he is a big supporter and he hails from pune.
lyricist shailendras songs are played all over on radios. iprs gets big revenues from them.
do you know shailendra’s son? Babloo shailendra.
he has been complaining that iprs pay peanuts to the artistes after collecting from various sources.
dear sir, iprs must collect revenues. but – according to the law. let the courts decide whether iprs can collect revenues from music organisers.
for your info, the rang manch a state govt body has directed all theatres Not to insist on the IPrs payment from organisers in mumbai.
parliament has passed a law for royalties and now the judges will interpret the law.
the day will come when all the amounts collected by iprs will have to be given back to the music organisers since use of original works – records and tapes – only when used commercially – shall attract iprs payments.
i hope the point is clear to you.
Interesting reads, posts 35 to 38!
Notwithstanding the arguments for and against iprs, the idea to pay the ‘original’ creators some remuneration for using it in a ticket-oriented performance is not bad at all. meshing it up in the garb that ‘original’ recordings were not used is a simply enmeshing it further in legalities. The intent being to circumvent the law in a manner that some other law point of law comes to rescue – leading to benefit of doubt, subjective interpretations and what not. As a creator, would you not like to have a patent on its usage in any form or style?
Mr Correa does have a point, though. I think his opposition to iprs is with respect to the dispensation of the ‘spoils’ so collected in the name of iprs. The problem is that of distribution and not collection. Sir, as long as these mechanisms are controlled by the state, we can only be mere watchdogs and not the disbursing authorities. The idea is good, the implementation – atrocious.
The matter being sub-judice does not prevent us from carrying out a healthy, impersonal debate. There are two aggrieved parties here who have gone to court. Relief in the form of judgement favouring one party would only be at the cost of grief to the other. maybe the matter would be escalated to a higher and then the highest court. Kothari Saahab will have to wait interminably!
We have seen rafi saahab suffer on these ‘royalty’ issues. Why should those who adore him also suffer the same fate? Having a definitive view point on any issue, Correa Saahab, does not give a blanket permit not to hear the other viewpoint at all.
Padmanabhan NR
Rafi foundation, Hyderabad Chapter.
Dear Friends,
I am ardent fan of Rafisahab and met him twice in my childhood. I sing only his songs and only make one program in year that on his Barasee 31st July since 2009. In Hotel Fidalgo Panaji Goa
You can see and listen on Youtube my singing. I wish to make programs out of Goa in Pune, Mumbai, Chennai and other metros. I am sure, you will invite me and sponsor my few programs.
I am not even rafisabs paon ki dhul but attempt to go near his style and feelings while singing. Waiting for only one break out of Goa. You all are stalwarts in this field. I am sure, you will give me an Opportunity
Warm rgds,
Rajiv Singbal
Post 37,
Interesting to see how between a couple of mails you have concluded that
i am a spokesperson of money swindling iprs & a vulnerable organiser under threat from iprs at the same time.
But first things first, pray tell me who is this ‘we’ you have made reference to.
Again it’s not fair to comment on Mr. Kothari’s view points as the same is
subjudice. Let the wise men in the Hon’ble court decide if Mr. kothari’s stand point has merit in it, and if there is, how much or how little…
Post no 36….
the royalty has to be paid. no two ways of that. it has to be paid.
please understand the law first.
who should pay it??
according to kaushik kothari who is an organiser and and advocate, spoken words does’nt constitute any copyright infringement.
iprs has to be paid ‘only’ when you use ‘original’ recorded material .
in a music programme no recorded material is used hence ‘no’ royalty is to be paid.
in pune the organisers have come together and opposed the iprs unitedly. they dont go there any more.
iprs approaches the ‘vulnerable organisers’ on the eve of a music programme scaring them. Poor organisers have to pay up and one of them is you – its gathered.
please wait for the court verdict before jumping to conclusions as to the collection of royalties by iprs is legal or illegal.
Post No. 35,
The premise on which I mentioned IPRS is to drive home a point that the concerts do directly & indirectly help the music makers earn a dignified living.
the liability of payment to IPRS comes for commercial, ticketed shows, so
the beggar or the bathroom singer isn’t liable to pay, unless it’s a ticketed event in which case, the bathroom has to be pretty sizable (Just a light hearted note).
As regards Mr. Kothari’s case, the matter is subjudice, hence can’t comment.
Mr. Andrea Correa, if IPRS is swindling money, pls prove it or file a case.
I am sure you must be having evidence that they are swindling money and you’d do public a great favour by exposing them.
The primary requirement of law abiding citizenry is to respect the rules of the land. (iprs is registered under sub-section (3) of Section 33 of Copyright act 1957). To draw an analogy, one shouldn’t be paying a single rupee tax in our country because there is swindling of money everywhere. Have you stopped paying income tax as there is concrete evidence that tax payer’s money is being looted through various scams?
iprs has been endorsed by the likes of naushad sab(iprs director 87-2004)
and its guiding principles are pro creative talent. whether it’s administered properly or not is altogether a different question.
btw, When you say ‘we feel so now’ pray let me know who are this ‘we’??? Now, I hope you aren’t playing spokesperson to anyone…
post 33……
how does iprs come in here dear friend….
mr kaushik kothari a orgniser and mohd rafi lover has taken the iprs to court for collecting monies from music organisers.
in pune they dare not go and collect monies for your info.
the law states that verbal or spoken actions does’nt attract any fees but iprs have been colecting fees.
does a beggar who sing in the train liable to pay iprs. no.
even if u sing you are not liable to pay iprs my friend.
many members have complained about non-payment of royalties to mr kaushik bhai. you may check up with him. he is the founder of ‘sirf rafi’ in mumbai.
also there are cases of swindling money in iprs. are you ‘trying’ to be a spokesperson for the iprs? we feel so now.
pls have some patience until the courts give their verdict on collection of fees from organisers by iprs.
Even in one’s imagination no one can sing better than Rafi Saab, only his voice will be there even in imagination, so he was and is beyond comparison. Only on the strength of his voice he was the greatest Indian and a Bharat Ratna. Still continue to discover new nuances of his singing as he was an ocean of singing, virtually endless. RIP Rafi Saab.
Dear Bhagchandani sab,
You stole my words sir. These tributes stem from the love & affection for the man, in the very first place.
Andrea Correa ji,
You might be delighted to learn(if not already) that to organise a show of this nature on Rafi sab or any other artist, one needs to obtain licence from IPRS ( indian performing rights society) by paying a royalty per seat or on lumpsum basis, as deemed fit by the IPRS local officer.
After keeping 12-15% for administration, IPRS distributes the rest to its members based on the information furnished by the organisers. Its members receive royalties year after year, purely based on the respective quantum of involvement in the music played. Last year 2010-11, iprs distributed 40 crore rupees between its 400 members, which averages to 10 lakhs per artist. Isn’t it an amazing pension scheme for the artists?
Shows, concerts, radio programmes, music companies & anyone who uses these rights, pays!! These concerts help in keeping golden era music immortal, besides enthralling audience & giving joy to the performers. ‘Sone pe suhaga’, the legends who made it earn a decent royalty that helps them retain dignity & respect they deserve.
Another point of my humble submission is, it’s a little unfair to attribute the success of the music to the singer alone. No doubts that rafi sab made some ordinary music, sound extraordinary thanks to his unsurpassed vocal prowess, but let’s also remember the composers, lyricists, musicians, film producers & the whole diaspora without whose immense contribution & vision, we wouldn’t be discussing this topic today.
Warm regards,
this is a new facebook group is dedicated to rafi sahab a place where you can share songs and articles please join
Mr Padmanabhan, Mr Bhagchandani,
Thank you so much for your wonderful and encouraging words that only true music lovers and Rafi bhakts could utter. I am honoured and touched by your response. Thank you once again!
Dear Shri Andrea Correa and Kabeer Aman ji,
With due respect to your opinion, let me submit that I see nothing wrong in the article. In fact I find it absolutely brilliant. Aparna ji has very truthfully and honestly gave account of the program. To assume that Rafi saab is forgotten in the process will not be correct assessment. A write-up about a show meant as a ‘Tribute to Rafi saab’ on a web site dedicated to rafi saab giving first hand account of songs of Rafi saab that were sung by Rafi bhakts to the audience who were all Rafi fans… I find plenty of Rafi in the process. Where is he forgotten?
When someone from the audience came to stage to slip a token amount in Chandan’s hands and touch his feet, it was of for the love of Rafi saab. He saw the glimpse of that divine soul, of that divine voice, that he could not resist himself.
So my dear, it is Rafi all the way. Leave aside this Chandan and Anil Bajpai. There are many stars who rode the path of stardom on the vocals of Rafi saab. He gave thrust to many music director’s careers by singing for a negligible or nil amount and delivering gems for them. In comparison, the attempt of these two Rafi bhakts is absolutely selfless and bourn out of love for Rafi saab.
I would like to compliment Aparnaji for this wonderful write-up.
-J.K. Bhagchandani
Chandan/ Aparna,
Just keep the good work going. Even the gracious rose has to put up with thorns!
Any thoughts of putting the programme on youtube and/ or uploading elsewhere?
Padmanabhan NR
Mr Nagesh, Mr Padmanabhan, thank you very much for your kind and complimentary comments. I am honoured.
Post 22 Mr Nagesh – Thanks for your wonderful message and also for conceptualizing and conveying our joined efforts correctly. Could not have been explained better.Thanks…
Post 26 – Padmanabhan NR – NRP!! Thanks so much for your true love for Rafi Saab and more importantly on our continuing efforts to promote Rafi Saab’s singing fragrance across boundaries where true music and melody prevail! Thanks again..Very well written..I really appreciate it..Unless wonderful people like you communicate our genuine efforts, no one would be able to appreciate our true love for Rafi Saab. Unfortunately I am at the receiving end, praise or blame and any comment or opinion from me, might not be taken in the right perspective!!
Thank you Aparnaji for a beautiful portrayal of the evening with Anil Bajpai, Chandan and other singers in Chennai. I have listened live to both as well as Ram Tirath whose name also figures in this discussion.
Anil Bajpai is special: simple, unassuming, smiling and a game trier; unlike many others he is not simply ‘attempting’ Rafi saahab’s songs, he is always trying to put that extra effort to make it sound like the master’s. There is a great difference between ‘imitating’ Rafi Saahab and trying to ‘imbibe and deliver’ the subtleties that Rafi Saahab so unobtrusively embedded into his songs. The former is a cover-up, the latter honesty of purpose. Anil deserves to be complemented for his sincerity, effort and dedication.
Chandan is a dear friend. Anything that I write on him could be influenced of bias and favour, therefore I am desisting from commenting on him. However, if ever there was a kind soul who simply treats Rafi Saahab as a divine source and offers Rafi Saahab’s own gems as his personal offerings to him as tribute, it is Chandan.
There have been a comment or two regarding the singers these days making quick bucks on the shoulders of Rafi Saahab. Nothing is farther from the truth. Each time I hear someone sing his songs, every time the difference between them seems to grow wider. There is none who is even a close second to him. At 50% effeciency levels, you can be a second but not close. He recorded those songs after maybe 5/10/15 or 20 rehearsals. They have heard these songs a thousand times and rehearsed them a hundred times, yet there is something conspicuously amiss. It is that moment that makes Rafi Saahab such a legend. You know that he won’t be re-born, yet you rush to Anil and Chandan. Because you want to be closer to the God through his disciples.
It is in this context, that organizing such events and patronizing new/ established talents is praiseworthy. One may have opinions and they are welcome. But, one unavoidable death should not spell a misery for all times to come. By organizing such programmes, we are not celebrating death.
We go back in time, recall those grand memories and forget ourselves in those classics.
Thanks Anil, thanks Chandan and thanks Aparna.
Padmanabhan NR
That is why Sonu’s popularity has gone down. He has changed his style of singing now he is no where what he learn t all these years he has forgotten . He became big name by rendering Rafi songs only he has forgotten that anyone who will forgot his roots will be finished. But I will welcome all newcomers who want to carry on Rafi saheb legacy we must understand that is important . They have to understand that they became popular because of Rafi saheb only. They need to earn also to feed their family if they charge also it is ok.
post 17……Kabeer aman ji…….
we need great mohd rafi lovers to come together and share the life and times of mohd rafi saaheb.
Some of them may not sing ‘great ‘ because you never ‘can’ make another mohd rafi in the next few centuries…..
i know many people ‘who’ are doing great things for the cause of rafi saaheb.
i also know singers ‘who’ wishes to used rafi saahebs name and further their career and then forget rafi saaheb.
the example is there before you. one singer is from chennai and cochin. he used to sing rafi songs. now he is in the bandwagon of a r rehman – who lags behind rafi saaheb in the greatest indian polls – done by cnn ibn,
he has stopped singing rafi songs now.
another singer is sonu nigam who flopped at shanmukananda recently at a big function of reputed business men . it was an elite event for an elite bank of india.
the above 40 aged crowd were shouting Rafi, Rafi… but our sonu sang ‘not’ a single rafi song. he sang his bhangra punjabi based songs which resulted in walk out of majority of the audiences..
any ways, no one really bothers about sonu and his ilk these days much and they are on their exit routes too.
what i mean is singers should have a heart then only they can be able to sing rafi saaheb and please the audiences.
To all Rafi fans.
A link where you can download more than 3000 Rafi’s song.
Post 20 Andrea Correa sab,
We from our Rotary clubs in Bangalore have organised about half a dozen charity events based on retro themes. Non commercial shows with a sole objective of raising funds for poor cancer kids or heart patients. More than 20 budding & established singers have made use of the platform to showcase their talents, besides orchestra members. These talents are the live connections between the golden era & today’s fading melodic values.
if these amazing singers were to take up any other profession they’d have probably earned 4-6 times more than what they do as singers. Few of them work elsewhere but chase their singing passions by practicing hard when the rest of the world is sleeping merrily. While we write, listen & do our own things such as voting or visiting rafi museum or mazhar, they give themselves & their life for rafi sab, which is nobler.
I can tell you first hand, their charges are extremely reasonable & are more an honorarium than anything else. Let’s encourage them, their job is to sing as close to the legends as possible. It’s the most important pre-qualification for a Rafi fan, in my humble opinion.
Adaab rafi,
Very sorry to say that “when” the whole lot of mohd rafi lovers were trying to make mohd rafi saaheb ” the greatest indian ” after mahatma gandhi in the ibn -cnn poll,
here we have the sight of singers glorifying themselves and making a ” Mutual admiration society ” implying : I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
in the whole exercise mohammad rafi is forgotten by these club of self patting imitating singers who is known to charge ‘a bomb’ for their performance. pls check their fees in any one is in doubt. they dont do any charity like our rafi saaaheb.
they even ‘never’ go to rafi saahebs mazhar when in mumbai to pay obesience mainly on July 31st mohd rafis jayanti.
making money and patting oneself is the ‘order of the day’ for some . we need genuine mohd rafi lovers – to carry on the legacy of rafi saaheb.
Hi Aparna jee,
thanks for the elaborate report.Nice to know that Aniljee whom I have heard quite a few times enthralled you all.he is a great singer no doubt.
that youngsters are singing the songs of the golden era and thus letting the current generation realise the richness of that era is highly laudable.
Sidhanti,I cant wait to listen to Ram Tirath.What a great singer he is!So humble,down to earth,possessing an uncanny ability to sing just like rafi saab.Rafi saab’S happiness would have known no bounds had he heard the new generation singers like Anil , ram tirath and chandanjee rendering his songs with so much perfection.
Dr.Vasudha Theertharam
Thanks for your ever encouraging response.. Please be rest assured that my love for Rafi Saab is like yours and many in this musical world. As you have right put it, I experience peace and tranquility in singing Rafi Saab’s numbers and see nothing else..!
I am baffled to see so much of un-instigated spite on a harmless article by Aparnaji, who is just providing a first hand account of a tribute to Rafi sab.
Aparnaji, apologies on behalf of the forum. 98% of us here are tolerant, appreciative & broad minded. Pls do continue to organise more such events & do share the reports, the way you deem it’s fit.
A rafi song sung is more valuable than a thousand words. Chandanbhai pray continue your devotion & love for Rafi sab.
The writer of this article speaks about the imitators 90% even 10% she can not spare with original singer i.e. Rafi Sahab, what kind of tribute it is, can we call a tribute or disrespect to Rafi Sahab.
BTW who’s this anil bajpai and chandan, are they so important than Rafi Sahab????? why they are so much publicized??????????????????????????? after all they are imitators.
I fully agree with Mr. Zaheen’s post.
Post no 14,
Sunil Kumar ji,
You are spot on sir. We need a medium through which the legend’s immortal work should be carried forward & in that context, these singers are very important to us, the rafi fans.
Post no 13, Zaheendanish ji,
The quality of imitation can’t be ignored . If Rafi sab’s song isn’t sung atleast at 80-85% level, then I would rather go back to the recordings. Someone like Ram Thirath is so brilliant, although younger to me, I touched his feet after some of his renditions, because he is not a commercial singer & he sings totally out of devotion to Rafi sab & in such good souls, we can seek connection with Rafi sab. And in the process, if these singers eke out a living, no harm, afterall they have bills to pay too. The IPRS in India collects licence fees for all such concerts and as per rules of land, everyone get a fair treatment. Let’s not forget to pay attention to the compensation all the legends or their families receive, thanks to such revival efforts. It’s a meager amount for some, but livelihood for many others.
Dik Ka Soona Saaz, Tarana Dhoondega
Teer Nihaein Naaz Nishana Dhoondega
Mujko mere baad zamana dhoondega
People just cannot have enough listening to the king, as Zaheendaish ji said, people will also hear anyone singing the songs of Rafisahab.
Sir, I just agree 100% with Zaheendanish saheb that Rafi saheb providing name,fame and work to thousands even after years of his death. Such a blessed singer is yet to born again . But I salute even to those who are taking his work forward to new generations that also is very important. This is our “Sarmaya” our heritage which needed to be handed over to next generations and these singers are doing just that and I am happy that Rafi foundation and other cultural organizations are helping them because they need work and blessings otherwise they will also become part of the rat race going on these days. These youngsters need our support
How far and how long these imitators of Rafi sailing on the shoulders of Rafi Sahab??? earning name, fame and wealth, maybe they are in thousands……………
The audience does not care who’s singing, what they care about Rafi song and the composer of the tune like Naushad, S.D. Burman, Shankar Jaikishan etc.
Wah Rafi Sahab you are such a blessed singer that even after your death, your name, style of singing and immortal songs still providing work and food to the lot of imitators. It is really divine and blessing in disguise to the imitating singers of Rafi Sahab.
I hope somebody will put if not the entire show atleast few songs on youtube.Reading the write up it sounds it must be wonderful evening.
Chandan, you are welcome. The whole experience was a pleasure, from the listening part to the writing part. It is a joy to listen to Rafi songs and one has to be fortunate to be able to appreciate their beauty and recognize their special quality and worth. And when one hears good singers sing them, then the joy is manifold. I should be the one thanking you.
Dear Sanjeevji, Chitta Ranjanji, Mohanji, Vinaybabuji, Nageshji and Murthyji,
Thank you all for your wonderful, encouraging and complimentary comments. I am very honoured and grateful. Vinaybabuji, the request you made is very good and a great idea. It would be really good if organisers released the recorded programmes to the public commercially. Nageshji, happy to know about Ramtirathji’s performance in Bengaluru. Hope he performs in Chennai too sometime. Thank you all once again.
Thanks Aparna for your lovely coverage of the event. I tried several times to message here in the morning but somehow was not getting posted. I dont know why!! I hope this message of mine gets posted now…!
KS Ramachandran, Amritha Apartments, 2nd Floor, E58A, 21st Cross Street, Besant Nagar, Chennai 600 090;
Landline: (+91) 44 2446 8896; Mobile: (+91) 98410 71388
Thanks Murthy Saab for your lovely and motivating message above. Nothing can make a singer happier than such encouraging feedback’s. Thanks once again…!
KS Ramachandran, Amritha Apartments, 2nd Floor, E58A, 21st Cross Street, Besant Nagar, Chennai 600 090;
Landline: (+91) 44 2446 8896; Mobile: (+91) 98410 71388
Many thanks Aparnaji for the detailed post. I have heard both Anil Bajpayee (in Bangalore) and Chandan of course remains a close friend whom I have heard both in Chennai and in Bangalore. Both are exceptional singers no doubt and as you have described, the evening must have been surely electrifying, to say the least. I have known Chandan to spring surprises by bringing about some of the rarest of Rafi Sahab’s songs and one example was KAISE KATEGI ZINDAGI which he has now brought on to the live stage shows. Kudos Chandanbahi. As Nageshbhai has remarked Ram Tirath too is a gifted singer, a very natural Rafi-centric singer. Every singer has his limitations when they attempt Rafi Sahab’s songs as the legend’s repertoire is beyond mortal reach. To quote only a few songs which no one other than Rafi Sahab can ever sing (1) DUPATTA ODHE NIKALI BAHARA, O YAARA, YE GULBADNI and (2) SUN AE MAHJABEEN MUJHE TUJHSE ISHQ NAHI, etc. But that does not leave out on the stupendous quality of singers like Anil Bajpayee and K S Ramachandran (Chandan to all of us). Great write up Aparnaji.
Post 5,
Dear Vinayababuji, Anil Bajpai is really good. Have you heard Ram Thirath from Punjab? He is several notches ahead of all his contemporaries. I have heard both of them live & I’d say Ram Thirath is a special musical gift to Rafi fans.
Come 15th August, he is performing at Bengaluru for a show anchored by Ameen Sayani sab which is a Geetmala Special.
Aparnaji, great work.
Regards Nagesh
A word about Sri. Anil Bajpai. I had occasion to listen to Anil earlier. I have felt that no one else can imitate Rafiji better than Anil. It is a treat to hear him.
Dear Aparnaji
Nice and beautiful description, congratulations. I have a request to the organizers of such events that the entire program be recorded and made available for listening, for those who cannot attend such programs , either by CD, DVD etc for sale. This can make a small contribution also in meeting the cost of organizing such events.
Great work Aparna ji. Please keep it up.
Dear Aparna, It is really heartening read about the successful Rafi show. Being a die hard fan of Rafi Saab since childhood anything with him fascinates me. Wish you many more success in your mission to keep alive great contributions of the legend.
Aparna ji, Many congrats!!! on success of the programe.
Dear Rafians
First phase of voting(For top 10) will be closed on 25th june 2012. So please vote and motivate to others to give a missed call on 08082891031 from DIFFERENT NUMBERS to support RAFI SAHAB as soon as possible.
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