Mohammed Rafi Sahab, the Santa Claus who Brightens Our Lives
By Achal Rangaswamy

Every year as December begins (and I have written this in an earlier birthday post of Mohammed Rafi Saab), I look forward to my birthday and also that of my Idol. But there is another great character who we all remember very fondly as the month of December starts. And we look forward to his appearing before us. We keenly await his arrival, and stay awake, waiting for him.
One wonders why we haven’t noticed this uncanny resemblance between the two of them!
One man who smiled all the time, another a slightly older man who smiled and made everyone smile.
They both had very strong bonds with 25th December. One was born just a day before that date and another remembered and thought about very fondly at the same time.
One of them brings gifts for young children, amidst all the singing and ringing of bells. The other brought so many gifts for all of us through his songs and his great music.
Both of them strongly attached to children and always keen to be in the company of little kids. Very comfortable with kids, and becoming just like them in their company. Enjoying playing with them and behaving like them too.
Big in the stomach, one old man probably has gifts hidden in his multilayered red clothes. The other, also with a big stomach, with a fondness for good food, and with a large store-house of songs that found their way through his throat and his god-gifted voice.

A twinkle in their eyes, a big broad grin, always the symbols of great festive spirit and feelings, Rafi Saab and Santa Claus.
Santa Claus may herald the Christmas spirit, but the whole world, irrespective of religious stance loves him. The same can be said for Rafi Saab, who has been the epitome of true mankind, bringing together people from all religions to enjoy music and strive for oneness through the spirit of brotherhood.
We celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ at this time of the year. We also celebrate the birth of another Godly character. As he sang in one of his songs- Zindagi hai kya sun meri jaan, pyaar bhara dil, meethi zubaan, Rafi Saab would definitely have noticed Jesus nodding and smiling in approval.
A most comforting feeling would come over me when in my childhood I would go to sleep listening to Rafi Saab sing “Main Gaaoon Tum So Jaao”. I know that world over the kids go to sleep anticipating the arrival of Santa at midnight with those surprise gifts.
Happy Birthday Rafi Saab! May you live long and forever in the minds of your fans, who span all countries, all religions and all age groups. “Tu Hindu Banega Na Musalmaan Banega, Insaan ki Aulad Hai Insaan Banega” has been one of your most popular songs.
May you be the Santa that we all love. May you always be the warm, lovable person who brings great cheer during those cold winter nights, and at all other times too. A Merry 99th to you in Heaven, Rafi Sahab. We Love YOU!
I am from Marocco for me Rafi sahab is the best indian singer
I have been lestening to his immortal songs since m’y childhood
I am from Marocco for me Rafi sahab is the best indian singer
I have been lestening to his immortal songs since m’y childhood